Commoratio Seattlensis 21. d.m. Aprilis!

Stephanus Latine Loquentibus Boreoccidentalibus s.p.d.

Saturni die, vicesimo primo huius mensis. Commoratio nostra proxima habebitur: hac vice in Museo Frye. Vndecima hora semis in musei thermopolio conveniemus. Quod thermopolium ut inveniatis, post ostium principale sinistrorsum flectite atque andronem usque ad finem sequimini. Thermopolium a sinistro latere situm est. Ibi colloquia salutatoria habebimus; ibidem prandebimus. Post prandium museum explorabimus. (Introitus gratuitus est.) 

Post cuncta artificia spectata Latineque descripta et aestimata auctor sum ut in thermopolium redeamus ubi poterimus colloquia subsequa habere, ludere, et ita porro. Poterunt, ut fieri asolet, volentes in aliqua illius viciniae popina una cenare. 

Inde ab octava hora ego concentum auscultabo in Odeo Benayora, ubi opera praebebuntur Claudii Debussy, Alexandri Scriabin, Ottorini Respighi. Si quis huic concentui adesse velit, ubi saltem in via atque in intercapedine Latine colloqui poterimus, emat sibi tesseram apud: .

In vicesimum primum! Valete!


Dear Latin Speakers of the Northwest,

Our next Latin Day will be held on Saturday, April 21st. This time we'll be going to the Frye Museum. We'll start off in the museum café at 11:30. To get to the café, just turn left after the main entrance and head all the way down to the end of the hallway. The café's on the left. We can hang out there for a while and then have lunch there too. After lunch, we'll explore the museum. (Admission is free.) 

After we have looked at and described and evaluated everything in Latin, I propose that we head back to the café to debrief ourselves, chat, play, etc. As usual, those who would like to can have dinner together in one of the local restaurants. 

Beginning at 8:00, I'll be attending a Seattle Symphony concert at Benaroya Hall with music by Debussy, Scriabin, and Respighi. If anyone would like to join me, so we can at least chat in Latin on the way and during the intermission. You can purchase your ticket at .

See you on the 21st!


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