Pro "Kindle Book" substituetur "Nook Book"

Amazones, fato dolendo, libros electronicos Kindle Latine scriptos hoc tempore non sustinent.  Cum enim omnes libros Kindle nuper detraxerint, eos per nuntios electronicos petivi ut hoc imprudentissimum decretum suum quam primum rescindant.

Quoniam autem Barnes & Noble Nook Books Latinitatem admittunt necnon et exstant applicationes legendi gratuitae ad telephonia SmartPhones tabellasque atque Interrete aptatae, Captorum exemplaria electronica Nook ante medium mensem Iulium in promptu fore exspectamus.

Pro patientia vestra maximas vobis habemus gratias!


Nook Book to Replace Kindle Book

I regret to announce that Amazon is not currently supporting Kindle books in Latin. They have pulled all Kindle eBooks in Latin. I have written to them and hope that this decision will be reversed soon.

In the meantime, Barnes & Noble Nook Books do support the Latin language and there are free reading apps for SmartPhones, tablets and the Web. 

The Nook ebook version of Capti will be available by mid-July.

Thank you for your patience!

© 2013-18 Stephanus Berard  | "Vae dinosauris!"